Taking a variety of forms, ‘12’ holds a significant, sacred place in many cultures throughout history. The 12 Kalpas Tales intend to continue this sacredness in contemporary form.
The first rendition of the project is a multimedia installation at Links Hall, Chicago:
BERGOGNONE. The Assumption of the Virgin (ca. 1453–1523 Milan), depicts the 12 apostles below.
VERONESE MASTER. The Dispersion of the Apostles (ca. 1510 Milan).

installation view: sculptures of 12 'rocks,' natural and resin — an inseparation between nature and humanmade.

The second rendition of the project is comprised of digital imagery, video projection-mapped on cowhides, and a wall projection of a digitally manipulated image of the Lascaux Cave paintings, allegedly the earliest paintings of humankind.
installation view:
The 12 Kalpas Tales was started in 2018, and culminated in a 13-minute film, Blinded by Centuries, which will have its world premiere at IFFR (International Film Festival of Rotterdam), the Netherlands, in 2023.
Film stills from Blinded by Centuries, 2023:

January 18, 2023, downtown Chicago, USA